Greenville, SC Engagement (Josh & Paige)

[Written by Paige]

“After months of refusing the idea of a blind date, proposed by our mutual friend, and some small talk via text, it was the day of the solar eclipse in 2017.  I was in the Charlotte airport on a layover from Phoenix, and as the boarding process began, I saw the back of a brunette boy’s head. Right away I thought myself, “Oh my gosh. That’s him!” I was so nervous and thinking of all ways possible to avoid having to talk to him. I resorted to the ‘putting on headphones with no music playing’ trick, hoping that would work, but it didn’t. While walking on the plane, all of a sudden I felt someone grab my thigh (we still laugh at how awkward this was) and stop me. I acted surprised to see him and said a quick “hi and bye.” Once we landed in Greenville, I headed straight to the restroom to hide out for a good while, in an attempt of not having another conversation where I was so obviously nervous. I walked down to an empty baggage claim and was relieved that Josh had already left. I was wrong. I looked up to see him walking right towards me. We asked each other where we were flying from and said our goodbyes. Realizing how much we liked each other, we planned a date. Several dates later, Josh surprised me with a sunrise drive to Pretty Place, where he told me he loved me. 

Less than a year later, it was Josh’s 30th birthday, and his one wish was that we make the early morning drive up to Pretty Place to watch the sunrise. I wanted to take a picture of him with the mountains in the background, and was too busy trying to get the lighting just right to realize he was down on one knee. He asked me if I would make him the happiest man in the world and spend the rest of my life with him…and of course I said ‘Yes!’ in the very same spot that we told each other “I love you” for the first time.”

EngagementTerrell Martin